Razed said that in order to make GTA V look as close as possible to the Southern California location it's based on, he viewed 40 hours of video footage, looked at hundreds of photos, and studied Google Maps of Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Modder Razed wants NaturalVision Remastered to "blur the line between fantasy and reality." Now, the creator has completely overhauled it with improved weather, lighting, colors, and tone mapping. One such mod, NaturalVision, added near photo-realistic graphics to the game and caused quite a stir when it was released last year. The online element, which continues to make millions for Rockstar and Take-Two, is one reason for this another is the huge amount of gameplay/graphical mods that are being churned out. GTA V is still immensely popular - last month, it became the UK's best-selling game of the year so far. Thanks to the work of talented modders, however, it's possible to make GTA V look like a whole new game.

The next title in the series is certainly at some stage of early development, but it'll be years before we see the finished product. Sadly, the recent reports of Rockstar being so far into GTA 6's development that it was doing motion capture turned out to be a hoax.